Note From Spiritual Director
From Ollie E. Gunn, pastor
Greetings and Blessings from your 2023 Birmingham Emmaus Community Spiritual Director.
In the book of Genesis these words are found:
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”(Genesis 8:22, AV)
Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night all speak to seasons and times of change in our lives. However, change comes to enhance purpose. 2023 has brought change for our community, a new home and new people learning what to do.
We must remember that a new location doesn’t change our purpose. We are here to be led by the Holy Spirit, to seed men and women with the truth of the Lords’ word that will impact and influence their lives toward encouragement or salvation which leads to a harvest.
Every Walk is a seedtime for which we expect a harvest. As brothers and sisters of this community with every change or challenge we are expected to follow the teachings of Jesus. John 13:34
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
As we focus on His word we are moved to a stronger position of oneness and unity to face any challenges. The prophet Amos in 3:3 asks the question”
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” We have agreed to walk this leadership journey of this community together and nothing should be able to hinder us.”
We count it an honor and a privilege to serve with you my brothers and sisters. May we all serve well and may the Lord bless us all as we serve.
De Colores,
Ollie E. Gunn, pastor